JanCarlo Caling 50ml EDT
Head – Petitgrain, Lemon
Heart – Cypress, Ginger
Body – Sandalwood
Description – A celebration of masculinity, this nominally woody fragrance is complimented by bursts of ginger and lemon; symbols of happiness.
Caling’s The End of a Journey is an acrylic painting on paper. The colours used also project joy, which is what Caling wants the viewers to feel when they are looking at my painting. The work also takes inspiration from the term “self love” and how loving yourself can sometimes be a really gruelling journey. The boat symbolises the rocky relationship the man had with his body and this is the part where he gets off the boat suggesting that they have finally learned to love themselves.
Caling’s work and corresponding perfume portrait were exhibited at Centrespace Gallery, Bristol, in October 2019.